This drum belongs to James P. It’s a 1920s Supersensitive and we’ve got the wires in stock for it! From James:
Having recently acquired a 1920’s Ludwig Supersensitive snare drum, minus snare wires I was at a loss finding a replacement. Happy to have located Bibin snare wires through a recommendation from West Coast Drum Shop via Don Bennett. Thankfully Zoran & Bill, through their dedication and commitment were able to provide excellent custom snare wires that brought this antique drum back to life. Most importantly, the wires are of high quality with attention to detail, the drum sounds fantastic and is a joy to play. I’m so grateful and thoroughly recommend their wires for your vintage, or modern drum.

Do you have a drum you’d like featured on our page showing off your Bibin snare wires? Drop us a line to and we’ll post it!